News, Notes, Events
2024 Events
Smithsonian - Turmeric lecture - 30th January
Fortnum & Mason - Love potions - 12th February
Divertimenti - Spice masterclass - 28th February
The Kitchen Table - Afternoon tea & talk - 10th March
The Little Green Bookshop - Reading & tasting - 23rd March
North London Book Festival - Book talk - 24th March
CookBookBake - Book talk - 23rd May
Smithsonian - Cardamom lecture - 12th September
Chiswick Book Festival - In conversation - 15th September
FI Europe, Frankfurt - Secret lives of spices - 19th November
Ein Hauch von Kardamom
September 2024: German edition out now
Smithsonian: Cardamom
September 2024: I will be talking about this most perfumed and complex of spices, prized as much for its romantic and storied history as it is for its culinary usage.
This is a virtual programme for The Smithsonian so join me from anywhere in the world.
Chiswick Book Festival
September 2024: Join me in Chiswick where Jo Pratt and I will be discussing all things spice.
Great Taste Awards Final
July 2024: I ate the world’s best foods, and that’s official!
I had the great privilege of being a finals judge for the Great Taste Awards 2024. This is where products from all over the globe that have already been awarded three stars are rejudged and ranked. This year that is 266 products out of 14,000 entries. The ultimate mark of quality.
Every judging day, I try new foods that amaze me. My 2024 finals table included cheese cured in olive pomace, fermented peppercorns, a wildly delicous sticky toffee pudding ice cream and a chilli sauce so powerful that all the judges begged for milk to take away the burn. -
Brora Portrait
June 2024: Thank you Brora for coming to my kitchen and making me feel more glamorous than I could possibly imagine!
May 2024: It is always a pleasure speaking at this independent cookbook shop in Hove. I was their first ever speaker some years ago and have been followed by many eminent cooks and writers.
2024's theme is Sugar & Spice.
Times Radio
May 2024: Back on Times Radio with Alexis Conran to discuss sugar and spice and all things nice.
April 2024: I visited one of the most famous pepper growing regions in the world: Kampot in Cambodia.
The twirling vines produce green, black, white and red peppercorns (yes, from a single plant. The difference is in the ripeness and the processing). The plantation also grows one of my favourite spices, long pepper. It has a familiar pepper heat but with even more fragrance, becoming sweet and almost gingerbready when harvested red rather than green. We tried it mixed into vanilla ice cream - superb.
The Washington Post
April 2024: I’m ticked pink that the wonderful Charlotte Druckman chose to write about me in The Washington Post.
Her article follows a discussion we had on all things spice, including cinnamon fatigue; which spices pair with which sugars, fruits and chocolates (hint, you can do better than default to vanilla); and how to bake with spice. She even reports that my seed cake was a ‘conversion cake’ for the caraway-sceptic WaPO food tea.
Great British Chefs Cookbook Club
April 2024: If you have ever wondered how recipes look and hold up in home krtchens, the Great British Chefs online cookbook club is a brilliant resource.
All month, recipes from A Whisper of Cardamom have had a real stress test as cookbook club members have been cooking their way through them. I am equally delighted and relieved to say, with much success.
North London Book Fest
March 2024: Join me at Ally Pally where I’ll be in conversation with the eminent Orlando Murrin.
Olive Podcast
March 2024: Great to be back on Olive Podcast talking about how spices have been used for centuries as love tokens.
Sweet Spice Stories
Head to Instagram to see my video series on sweet spices - their stories, their flavours, and how to use them. Feature many special guests from the food world including Tessa Kiros, Itamar Srulovich, Lerato, Dr Saliha Mahmood Ahmed, Gurd Loyal and Zuza Zac.
Reviews like this make me gulp!
A reminder that A Whisper of Cardamom is available to buy everywhere, with special editions in the UK, Australia and US, and translations to come later this year.
Kitchen Table x Sorelle
March 2024: In quite the loveliest event, the Kitchen Table and Sorelle cafe hosted a cookbook talk and afternoon tea made using recipes from A Whisper of Cardamom. If you are in Dorset, don’t miss their line up of future cookbook-centric events.
House & Garden
March 2024: Eight of my recipes feature in this month’s House & Garden magazine. Don’t delay in trying my masala chai snickerdoodles.
Sugar & Spice @ Divertimenti
February 2024: For 2024, my usual spice masterclasses have been updated to include sugar and the wonderful role that spices can play in your sweet cookery.
To receive book reviews from your heroes is the greatest honour. I will forever be piching myself that Nigella Lawson reviewed A Whisper of Cardamom for her Cookbook Corner. She joins other food writers whom I greatly admire in giving kind endorsements including Georgina Hayden, Helen Goh and Mark Diacono. A sincere thank you to all of them.
Love Potions @ Fortnums
February 2024: To celebrate Valentine’s Day, I planned a love potion workshop at Fortnum & Mason. Nope, it is not all powdered turtledove and bat blood, spices hold enough power to make anyone fall in love with you. Fact.
The evening included a unique Fortnums gin distilled especially with cardamom and rose, named in honour of my new book.
Book Launch
February 2024: A Whisper of Cardamom was launched with a party at Daunt Books, Marylebone with ginger fizz and plenty of spiced biscuits.
The Mail
February 2024: Find a selection of my sweet recipes exclusively in the Mail’s You Magazine. This includes my favourite ever crumble - apple and blueberry with a delightfully spiced oat topping.
A Whisper of Cardamom
Out February 2024
Smithsonian: Turmeric
January 2024: On 30th January I am giving a lecture for The Smithsonian on the power of turmeric.
This is a virtual programme so join me from anywhere in the world.